Macrons | nga tohutō

Modified on: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 9:25 AM

Macrons - nga tohutō

We use macrons at Wintec and they are available on most Microsoft Word fonts including our official Wintec font, Source Sans Pro and backup font Arial. If you choose a font that does not have this function available, it is best practice to use double vowels than to leave the macron out altogether. This ensures there is no possibility of the original word (kēkē - cake) losing its original meaning (keke - armpit).

Four steps to make macrons easy:

Windows 10 - Add the Māori keyboard

  1. Click the Windows icon on the bottom left corner of your taskbarmceclip1.png
  2. Type Language
  3. Select Language Settings or Region & Language on some PCs
  4. Click English (New Zealand)
  5. Click Options
  6. Click Add a keyboard
  7. Scroll down and select Māori QWERTY
  8. Close window

Windows 10 - Switch keyboard

  1. Click ENG in the bottom right of the task bar
  2. Click on the keyboard you are wanting to use i.e. English (New Zealand) Māori keyboard

Windows 10 - Insert macrons

  1. Press the tilde ~ symbol key on your keyboard and then the vowel to create the macron

Windows 10 - Add AutoCorrect words so you don’t have to keep switching between keyboards

  1. Check that your Māori keyboard is on
  2. Select File
  3. Select Options
  4. Select Proofing
  5. Select AutoCorrect Options…
  6. Add the word and then the word with a macron
    1. Use the tilde ~ symbol key and then the vowel to create the macron
  7. Click Add
  8. Repeat as necessary, once finished
  9. Click OK to close the windows
  10. Once you have closed and opened your Microsoft applications (Word, Outlook etc) auto correct will place macrons

MacOS - Add the Māori keyboard

  1. Click the Apple logo
  2. Click System Preferences
  3. Select Language & Region
  4. Click Keyboard Preferences
  5. Click the + icon
  6. Find Māori in the list
  7. Click Add

MacOS - Switch keyboard

The Input Menu bar lets you choose different language input sources (such as English or Māori), it gives you quick access to switch between these language preferences and will appear on your menu bar once you enable two or more language input sources.

  1. content.png
  2. Click content__1_.png
  3. Switch between languages

MacOS - Inserting macrons

  1. Hold down Alt / Option and then the vowel.
  2. Alternatively, you can also do this in conjunction with the Shift key to type an uppercase vowel with a macron.

MacOS - Add Text shortcuts to create text replacements

  1. Check that your Māori keyboard is on

  2. Select System Preferences 

  3. Select Keyboard 

  4. Select Text

  5. Click Add 

  6. Type the letters or word in Replace i.e. Morena 

  7. Type the letters or word in With i.e. Mōrena

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