Moodle Course overview
Modified on: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 9:23 AMThe module overview now has different filters to display the module. The course overview block also enables students to check their course progress.
The default setting is 'All' which displays all modules past, present, and future with the exception of the hidden module. If you cannot find your course, please check your filter and change to 'All' to find your course.
The course overview block looks like this:
Please read below to understand the usage of each filter:
The All filter displays all modules (present, past, future) except the courses that are removed from view.
The In Progress filter displays modules that are currently enrolled in a semester.
The future filter displays modules yet to come, which is set by the tutor.
The past filter displays the previous module - the past filter has a course end date, which is set by the tutor.
The Starred and Removed from view filters display modules that are marked starred/bookmark or have been hidden.
- To 'star' ('bookmark') a course clicks the three dots by its name and then click the star icon. You can unstar the course simply by clicking the three dots and select 'unstar' this course. Once modules have been selected as a favorite it will have a star next to it
- To hide a course, click the three dots by its name and then click the Remove from view icon. You can make your course visible again, simply click the three dots and select show this course. Choosing to hide the modules only affects your view of the modules, and no-one else’s.