Upload Video Assignment to Moodle

Modified on: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 10:26 AM

Tutors must have the following Submission Types setup for Video Moodle assignment dropbox

Video Submission

If enabled, students are able to submit videos using Medial submission system. Maximum allowed upload size is 10 GB 

Allowed file extensions


File submissions

If enabled, Students can upload one or more files 

Supported file types .pdf,.docx,.pptx,.xlsx



1. Open your assignment

2. Click Add Submission


3. Click on the green icon "Add Media" - if this option is not available, your tutor needs to ensure video assignment is ticked for assignment submission types. 


4. Click Browse - upload the video from your PC


Once the file is uploaded click Next


Give it a Title and Description -> Click Next

Select Thumbnail or click Next -> Click Next 

You will see your video thumbnail in indicating your file is uploaded or "uploading"


Attach supported files - this is up to tutor if they want you to attach anything (please don't add video files here) - Supported file types .pdf,.docx,.pptx,.xlsx

Click Save Changes to submit your assignment

Please note you may see a message your video "Awaiting Processing" is not ready please note this is standard. Depending on how big the file is it will take time for Medial to upload and convert the video in the right format. Once it's ready the message will disappear.





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