Using Multi-Factor Authentication

Modified on: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 10:26 AM

When you are away from the office and you wish to access a Wintec service such the Digital Workplace, Microsoft Teams, your OneDrive account and/or your Wintec Mailbox, you will be prompted to approve the sign in request using a mobile device.

  1. Ensure your PC or laptop is connected to the internet
  2. Using a web browser go to a Wintec site e.g.
  3. Log in using your Wintec credentials, the following window will appear
  4. On the mobile device you downloaded Authenticator on, you will receive a notification to approve the sign in request
    If you … Then tap …
    Did not authorise this sign-in request Deny
    Authorised this sign-in request Approve
    NOTE: If this notification does not appear, you may need to open Authenticator on your mobile device and tap Refresh.
  5. The web page will continue to load as normal

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