Install Remote Desktop Client

Modified on: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 9:45 AM

First check if you have Remote Desktop already installed. 

  1. Click on the start menu and type Remote Desktop.
  2. If you can see Remote Desktop skip to step 8
  3. If you can't see the Remote Desktop, please download the appropriate file
  4. Click Run or Open or Install (this will be different for each browser)
  5. In the Welcome to the Remote Desktop Setup Wizard, follow the prompts
  6. Select Install just for you, click Install, Remote Desktop will install
  7. Open the Remote Desktop, by clicking on Start menu and typing Remote Desktop
  8. Click Subscribe
  9. Enter your Wintec email (e.g. or
  10. Select Work or school account
  11. Enter your Wintec password
  12. If prompted, untick the tick Allow my organization to manage my device and click No, sign in to this app only 
  13. Remote Desktop screen will open. You can see these applications via your Start menu. You do not have to repeat this process.
    If you cannot see the application, you may not have access OR need to Refresh the status.
    Please note different users will see the different software on the list. Students can access MYOB from home via this access. If you can't find what you are after, please Log a Job. 

When it asks to sign in please make sure you are logging in with the Wintec email address and password, not the pin, face or fingerprint. If it will ask you to enter the pin, please click more choices and then click choose a different account/more choices to enter email and password.


To Refresh or Unsubscribe

  1. Click the three dots on the right of your screen.
  2. Click Refresh or click unsubscribe then repeat steps from no.8

Please note different users will see the different software on the list. If you can't find what you are after, please Log a Job

Setup Arion on MAC

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