Moodle Dashboard
Dashboard layout You can view recently accessed items from this block You are welcome to add custom items to your dashboard by: Turning the 'Edit Mode' button ON Click the 'Add a Block' option shows in the dashboard layout. Select the block you want to add, and it will appear in the 'Block Drawer' on the top right side on your dashboard You can move the blocks up or down by dragging the crossed arrows If you want to remove your changes, click Reset page to default Once you are happy with your dashboard layout, turn OFF the 'edit mode' button as below
Moodle Course overview
The module overview now has different filters to display the module. The course overview block also enables students to check their course progress. The default setting is 'All' which displays all modules past, present, and future with the exception of the hidden module. If you cannot find your course, please check your filter and change to 'All' to find your course. The course overview block looks like this: Please read below to understand the usage of each filter: The All filter displays all modules (present, past, future) except the courses that are removed from view. The In Progress filter displays modules that are currently enrolled in a semester. The future filter displays modules yet to come, which is set by the tutor. The past filter displays the previous module - the past filter has a course end date, which is set by the tutor. The Starred and Removed from view filters display modules that are marked starred/bookmark or have been hidden. To 'star' ('bookmark') a course clicks the three dots by its name and then click the star icon. You can unstar the course simply by clicking the three dots and select 'unstar' this course. Once modules have been selected as a favorite it will have a star next to it To hide a course, click the three dots by its name and then click the Remove from view icon. You can make your course visible again, simply click the three dots and select show this course. Choosing to hide the modules only affects your view of the modules, and no-one else’s.
Moodle notifications - how to set up email and notification preferences
Email notification settings in Moodle The default email address in Moodle will be your Wintec email address e.g. In Moodle click your name (top right corner) Select Preferences Select Edit profile Update the email Scroll down and select Update profile You will receive a confirmation email to the email address in your profile, accept the changes Setting Notification preferences in Moodle In Moodle click your name (top right corner) Select Preferences Select Forum preferences Email digest typeselect an option: No digest - you will receive one email per forum post Digest - complete posts - you will receive one digest email per day containing the complete contents of each forum post Note: The daily digest will collate all forum activity for the day and send one email around 5pm notifying users of activity. If your tutor has posted a forum post around 6pm then the notification about this will arrive in your email the following day around 5pm. Digest - subjects only - you will receive one digest email per day containing just the subject of each forum post. Forum Auto-subscribeselect an option Yes: when I post, subscribe me to that forum discussion (default) No: don't automatically subscribe me to forum discussions Forum tracking select an option This marks posts as read or unread to make it easy to track which forum posts you have already read. Yes: highlight new posts for me No: don't keep track of posts I have seen When sending forum post notifications select an option You can choose whether or not to Mark the post as read for the purpose of forum tracking. (Available only when Forum tracking is set to Yes.) Save changes If you are still having trouble receiving notifications, they may be going to your Junk folder - please follow the instructions to Moodle Forum - not receiving notification emails
Moodle Forum - not receiving notification emails
The emails may go to your junk folder if you are still having trouble receiving notifications. To ensure you receive these notifications, please check: Update How to set up email and notification preferences Make sure your emails are not going to Focused Inbox by following Microsoft instructions on how to Turn off Focused Inbox Check Junk Email Folder Open your Emails > Junk E-mail Right click or select the email and select Not Junk or Mark as not junk You can also add email address noreply from Moodle as safe senders list Click Cog/Settings > Type allow or block > Select Block or allow settings Type the email address ( and click + button to add the email to safe sender and recipients list Click Save Lastly, your Forum Subscription these are individual to each forum Go to the forum from where you have not received the email notification and Make sure you have subscribed to receiving notification Open Forum > click Cog/Settings button If your Forum Settings says Forced Subscription - it means you should get a notification based on user forum preferences, as mentioned above If your Forum Settings says Optional Subscription - make sure you click subscribe to this forum otherwise, you won't get any notification; this is also based on user forum preferences as mentioned above
Moodle Viewing and Replying to a Forum
Tips For Forum We recommend using a Notepad program if your forum post is more than just a paragraph and then cut and paste the text into the forum. This helps prevent losing a large amount of work if something happens before you submit your posting. If you are unable to view a forum or don't see Add a new discussion topic button please check with your tutor. In a forum where you are able to add a new discussion topic, the Add a new discussion topic button will be displayed. For students, there is a time limit for editing posts, usually 30 minutes. To upload large video files please use the Medial (green color icon) Add a new discussion topic Click on the Add a new discussion topic button. To add an attachment to your post click Advanced. Replying to a forum post You will not be able to reply to all forum posts. Please check with your tutor. Select the forum post title to view it, then select Reply. Write your reply in the text box, scroll down and select Submit, bottom left. Click Advanced, bottom right, if you wish to add an attachment to your post You then reach a page like the one below, from attachment section, attach or drag and drop files here. Click post to the forum You also can add images, links, audio, and video from this page, via the icons at the top of the Message box. For large video files please use Medial icon Click Upload Please note the Allowed file extensions to upload video or Audio *.avi;*.flv;*.mkv;*.mov;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.mp3;*.mp4;*.mts;*.m4v;*.wav;*.wma;*.wmv;*.3gp Click Browse and select the video from your PC Once the file upload click Next Give it a Title and Description -> Click Next Select Thumbnail or click Next -> Click Next again and again Click Insert Please note you may see a message your video is not ready please note this is standard. Depending on how big the file is it will take time for Medial to upload and convert the video in the right format. Once it's ready the message will disappear
Moodle Turnitin Similarity report
Few things to note: The first similarity report is usually ready within minutes, but it can take up to 24 hours for Turnitin to generate. After three attempts, a 24-hour wait is enforced to generate Similarity Reports for all subsequent resubmissions. These are Turnitin-imposed restrictions, and we cannot change them. If you have triggered the 24-hour delay and resubmit a paper less than 24 hours before your deadline, you will not receive the revised similarity report before the deadline. Please do not resubmit during the 24-hour delay, this means that you reset the clock - you will only get a report 24 hours after your latest resubmission. If you are not able to resubmit, please note that not all tutors allow resubmissions. If your Assignment Similarity report still appears Pending, please log a request with this with a URL/link to your Moodle assignment. How to view the Similarity Report Login to Moodle Open your course and go to your Assignment link, click on the % marker under 'Similarity' column The Document Viewer should open in a new window. Click on the Match Overview to review your similarity report
Upload Video Assignment to Moodle
Tutors must have the following Submission Types setup for Video Moodle assignment dropbox Video Submission If enabled, students are able to submit videos using Medial submission system. Maximum allowed upload size is 10 GB Allowed file extensions *.avi;*.flv;*.mkv;*.mov;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.mp3;*.mp4;*.mts;*.m4v;*.wav;*.wma;*.wmv;*.3gp File submissions If enabled, Students can upload one or more files Supported file types .pdf,.docx,.pptx,.xlsx 1. Open your assignment 2. Click Add Submission 3. Click on the green icon "Add Media" - if this option is not available, your tutor needs to ensure video assignment is ticked for assignment submission types. 4. Click Browse - upload the video from your PC Once the file is uploaded click Next Give it a Title and Description -> Click Next Select Thumbnail or click Next -> Click Next You will see your video thumbnail in indicating your file is uploaded or "uploading" Attach supported files - this is up to tutor if they want you to attach anything (please don't add video files here) - Supported file types .pdf,.docx,.pptx,.xlsx Click Save Changes to submit your assignment Please note you may see a message your video "Awaiting Processing" is not ready please note this is standard. Depending on how big the file is it will take time for Medial to upload and convert the video in the right format. Once it's ready the message will disappear.
How to view tutor feedback and download feedback report once its graded
To see feedback from your instructor on an assignment when the instructor is utilizing Turnitin Grademark in your course, they must have results visible to students as per the post date Start Date - The start date defines the earliest time a student can make a submission to the assignment part. Due Date - This is the final date by which the student should have submitted their assignment. If you are allowing late submissions, the submissions will be marked as late after this date. Post Date - This is the date when marks/grades will be released to students. Enter your course site in Moodle Scroll to and click on the Link to the Assignment: Click on Your assignment Submission title or Similarity report The Feedback Studio will open where you can view in-text annotations if added by tutor) or click View Rubric, this will open a new window with an expanded view and details of rubric (if rubric used by the tutor) Turnitin - download graded assignment Navigate to your course in Moodle and click on the link to the assignment . On the Assignment "Submission status" page, you should see a Turnitin "Similarity %" and to the right a "pencil" icon. Click on the pencil icon and the Turnitin Document Viewer should load your paper. Click on the Download arrow in the right toolbar. Select the download version that you wish to download. The document will then download on your computer as a PDF. Any comments and the Similarity report will be at the end of the PDF in the GradeMark report.