Connect to Wifi
Connect to Eduroam Wifi
You will need. Your Wintec email address and password to set up connecting to Eduroam. If you do not have this information, please connect using Wintec Free WiFi - Guest Access. Issues logging in. If you have recently received a new temporary password, you need to login to a Wintec computer first and set a new password. Once this is done you will be able to login to Wi-Fi. For any other issues contact IT Support. Windows and Mac Follow the steps for each device if you don't already use eduroam. Ensure you have internet access. Open a web browser and go to, this is the eduroam configuration assistant tool. Now download and run an installer, select Click here to download your Eduroam installer. Select your organization by clicking the relevant Business Division name. Note: installer will be specific to your device/organization. Select the relevant user group, follow the on-screen prompt. Click eduroam to download the appropriate installer. Note: This download link provided will be specific to your device/organization . Install the downloaded file, follow the on-screen instructions. When logging in use: Username: your business division email address. Password: your business division password. Repeat password: your business division password. 9. Click finish once the setup is complete. iOS mobile From your Home screen, go to Settings > Wi-Fi. Tap on slider to turn on Wi-Fi, your device will automatically search for available Wi-Fi networks. Tap the name eduroam. Follow the screen prompts to enter your Wintec email and password. Tap Trust, you will now automatically connect to eduroam. Android mobile Open the Settings app. Tap Connections. Tap slider to turn on Wi-Fi. From the list of available networks, tap eduroam. Identity enter your Wintec email address. Password enter your Wintec password. CA certificate select Don't validate. Tap Connect, you will now automatically connect to eduroam.
Access Wintec Free Wi-Fi with Wintec Username and Password
1. Open your wireless options and select the WintecFreeWiFi network. 2. Depending on your device the web page may open to prompt you, otherwise open a browser, type your Wintec username and password and click Log In. You can connect up to 2 devices with a Wintec account. If you want to remove an old device please see here for the instruction.
Managing Devices Connected to Wintec Free WiFi
A student can connect up to 2 devices to Wintec Free Wifi (with their username and password). If you want to remove the device(s) connected, you can go to and login with your username and password. (To connect to this site, you will require Internet access). Once you are logged in, toggle Remove and click on Update. This site cannot be accessed from either of the two devices you have listed. Accessing from a Wintec computer or your home PC should work with no issues.
Wintec Free WiFi - Guest Access
To access the Wintec Guest (WintecFreeWiFi) wireless network you will need a New Zealand cell phone to receive a token. 1. Open your wireless options and select the WintecFreeWiFi network. 2. Launch an Internet browser (your default browser), click on Guest Access. 3. Type your cell phone number. (If this page is not displayed properly, you might need to turn off the Proxy Setting on your internet browser, you can turn off from Internet Option) 4. Enter the passcode you received on your cell phone. 5. Once you enter the passcode you should be able to access the Internet. Your token is valid for 8 hours of use. After this time, simply follow the steps above to get another one!
Connect to the WintecSecure wireless network
To connect to a wireless network your laptop must be within its signal range. This means that your laptop will be offered wireless signals and potential networks to connect to depending on the wireless infrastructure in that location. When working from Wintec, connect to the wireless network called WintecSecure. At the bottom right of your desktop, left-click on the wireless icon that looks like a staircase. You will be prompt to enter your Wintec user name and password the first time you connect. DO NOT include the “ds1\” in your username entry Click Connect to continue Once Successful you will see WintecSecure connected