Wintec Systems
Free Microsoft Office with Office 365
As part of your Wintec student/staff subscription to Microsoft Office 365, you can download and install up to 5 copies of the latest version of Office for Mac or PC on your home or personal use computer Note: This software is only available to current students and staff while they are studying or working with Wintec. Please check your PC/Laptop compatibility before you install this software. Only supported on Windows 10 or above This is only for desktop devices, and will not work on mobile devices. To download the mobile version (Apple iPad/iPhone or Android Mobiles/Tabs or Windows Surface Tabs) please go to Apple Store or Google Play store and search for Word/excel. Office 365 mobile apps have limited functionality. Presuming you already have the same version of Microsoft Office installed, please follow the steps : Uninstall existing MS Office from your computer* Restart your computer *You can uninstall the current Office software or keep using it if you want. If you remove the old version, it is your responsibility to store any license you may have paid previously. ITS has no control over your paid subscription. Instructions Go to Click Install Office -> Office 365apps It will download the setup. Please run the setup to install the office applications. If you are prompted to sign in (please enter your Wintec student email and password) or see a screen like below please ensure to untick Allow my organization to manage my device and select No, sign in to this app only. The options you see will depend on what computer you are using. Windows OS Mac OS Troubleshooting: If you experience any issues please try the following: Click Start -> Control Panel -> Add remove programs Highlight Office 365 Pro Plus and click Change Select Online Repair (though Quick repair may work too) Removing Old subscriptions If you have exceeded the number of allowed devices you can remove the not used device. Go to To remove your connected devices please click Other install options Click Apps and Devices -> Click Devices -> Sign out
Windows 10: Pair a Bluetooth device in Windows
You can pair all kinds of Bluetooth devices with your PC—including keyboards, mice, phones, speakers, and a whole lot more. To do this, your PC will need to have Bluetooth. Some PCs, such as laptops and tablets, have Bluetooth built-in. If your PC doesn’t, you can plug a USB Bluetooth adapter into the USB port on your PC to get it. Turn on Bluetooth and add a Bluetooth device Turn on your Bluetooth device and make it discoverable. The way you make it discoverable depends on the device. Check the device info or website to find out more. On the taskbar, select the action center Thought bubble Action center icon and make sure Bluetooth logo is turned on. In the action center, select Connect, then pick your device. Follow any additional instructions. Otherwise, you're done. You may have to press the Bluetooth button at the back of the device To pair additional Bluetooth devices (headset, speaker, or other audio device) On your PC, select Start > Settings > Devices > Bluetooth & other devices > Add Bluetooth or other device > Bluetooth. Choose the device and follow additional instructions if they appear, then select Done. Bluetooth Settings You may have to press the Bluetooth button at the back of the device
Macrons | nga tohutō
Macrons - nga tohutō We use macrons at Wintec and they are available on most Microsoft Word fonts including our official Wintec font, Source Sans Pro and backup font Arial. If you choose a font that does not have this function available, it is best practice to use double vowels than to leave the macron out altogether. This ensures there is no possibility of the original word (kēkē - cake) losing its original meaning (keke - armpit). Four steps to make macrons easy: Add the Māori keyboard - Windows 10 / MacOS Switch keyboard - Windows 10 / MacOS Inserting macrons - Windows 10 / MacOS Add AutoCorrect words so you don’t have to keep switching between keyboards - Windows 10 / MacOS Windows 10 - Add the Māori keyboard Click the Windows icon on the bottom left corner of your taskbar Type Language Select Language Settings or Region & Language on some PCs Click English (New Zealand) Click Options Click Add a keyboard Scroll down and select Māori QWERTY Close window Windows 10 - Switch keyboard Click ENG in the bottom right of the task bar Click on the keyboard you are wanting to use i.e. English (New Zealand) Māori keyboard Windows 10 - Insert macrons Press the tilde ~ symbol key on your keyboard and then the vowel to create the macron Windows 10 - Add AutoCorrect words so you don’t have to keep switching between keyboards Check that your Māori keyboard is on Select File Select Options Select Proofing Select AutoCorrect Options… Add the word and then the word with a macron Use the tilde ~ symbol key and then the vowel to create the macron Click Add Repeat as necessary, once finished Click OK to close the windows Once you have closed and opened your Microsoft applications (Word, Outlook etc) auto correct will place macrons MacOS - Add the Māori keyboard Click the Apple logo Click System Preferences Select Language & Region Click Keyboard Preferences Click the + icon Find Māori in the list Click Add MacOS - Switch keyboard The Input Menu bar lets you choose different language input sources (such as English or Māori), it gives you quick access to switch between these language preferences and will appear on your menu bar once you enable two or more language input sources. Click Switch between languages MacOS - Inserting macrons Hold down Alt / Option and then the vowel. Alternatively, you can also do this in conjunction with the Shift key to type an uppercase vowel with a macron. MacOS - Add Text shortcuts to create text replacements Check that your Māori keyboard is on Select System Preferences Select Keyboard Select Text Click Add Type the letters or word in Replace i.e. Morena Type the letters or word in With i.e. Mōrena
View course/assignment official results via Enrol Arion
1. Log in to Student Portal log in with student username/password 3. Click on My Study and Select Assessment Details/Grades -> Select the Year from the drop-down and click Search You may have to select the year accordingly and click search
Padlet access
Padlet is an interactive Noticeboard, and utilised to make and share content with Wintec staff and students. Wintec staff and student can access this anytime using their Wintec staff/student email address, no Signup is needed Login process: Go to: Select login with Microsoft account Type Wintec student email ( or Wintec staff email ( Select Work or School account and enter wintec email/username and password
How do I find my class stream?
Go to Log in with your student account Click My Enrolment -> My classes.
Android: Set up mobile Outlook
iOS: Set up mobile Outlook
Install Remote Desktop Client
First check if you have Remote Desktop already installed. Click on the start menu and type Remote Desktop. If you can see Remote Desktop skip to step 8 If you can't see the Remote Desktop, please download the appropriate file Windows downloading this file Mac download this file Students on personal MAC devices please use this URL to access certain apps e.g. MYOB. Click Run or Open or Install (this will be different for each browser) In the Welcome to the Remote Desktop Setup Wizard, follow the prompts Select Install just for you, click Install, Remote Desktop will install Open the Remote Desktop, by clicking on Start menu and typing Remote Desktop Click Subscribe Enter your Wintec email (e.g. or Select Work or school account Enter your Wintec password If prompted, untick the tick Allow my organization to manage my device and click No, sign in to this app only Remote Desktop screen will open. You can see these applications via your Start menu. You do not have to repeat this process. If you cannot see the application, you may not have access OR need to Refresh the status. Please note different users will see the different software on the list. Students can access MYOB from home via this access. If you can't find what you are after, please Log a Job. When it asks to sign in please make sure you are logging in with the Wintec email address and password, not the pin, face or fingerprint. If it will ask you to enter the pin, please click more choices and then click choose a different account/more choices to enter email and password. To Refresh or Unsubscribe Click the three dots on the right of your screen. Click Refresh or click unsubscribe then repeat steps from no.8 Please note different users will see the different software on the list. If you can't find what you are after, please Log a Job Setup Arion on MAC
Unwanted Emails
Junk emails Junk email, also known as spam or unrequested email. It’s annoying, but harmless. Most junk email will be blocked and automatically goes into your junk email folder. If your email isn’t actually junk, you can mark it as not junk and it will move to your inbox. You should occasionally check your junk email folder to check for emails that are not actually junk. You can delete and move emails in the junk email folder just like all your other email folders. Phishing emails Phishing emails are an attempt to gain sensitive information about you or Wintec such as usernames, passwords and credit card details. Phishing emails are much harder to identify than junk email and normally look like every day emails from places or people you already interact with. Phishing emails contain links to strange URLs when you hover over the link. They will ask for: Login information or passwords Security details Credit card information To click on a link directly to access personal accounts or information What to do Don't click on any links in the email. If you have clicked a link, call the Service Desk immediately 0800 587 500 Don't reply to the email Advise the ITS Service Desk Click Forward To Changing the subject to Suspected phishing email Click Send Report the email to Microsoft, this will notify Microsoft and automatically delete it Outlook in Office 365 in the browser Click Junk button from the menu Select Phishing Outlook from your computer’s desktop Select Report Message Select Phishing